Recordkeeping Package


Track Utility Data Like Never Before

The Recordkeeping Package is a compilation of several Excel-based spreadsheets that were developed over the years to provide a way for water systems to maintain analytical and compliance data. The spreadsheets provide a central location to retain data.

Prevent Costly Violations Before They Occur

The spreadsheets are designed to perform compliance calculations, convert values into units required for reports, and alert users to potential violations. If a maximum contaminant level is exceeded the spreadsheets provide information on the proper public notice template to use.

Generates a CCR For You

The Recordkeeping Package should be used routinely throughout the year to track analytical results and trends and when all monitoring has been completed for the year the package generates a basic Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). A majority of the water systems in Kentucky utilize the Recordkeeping Package either as their primary tool or supplement to their record keeping and tracking tools.

Stay Current with Regulatory Requirements

Some of the spreadsheets were redesigned with input from the largest water systems in the state and the Kentucky Division of Water. The package has been modified several times to address more efficient use and functions and to meet new regulatory requirements.


Software Features

  • Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) development
  • Public Notice templates
  • Monitoring Plan modifications and updates
  • Sample Schedule development
  • Lead and Copper package
  • Customized Bacteriological forms
  • Data tracking and trending
  • Violation avoidance
  • Regulation research assistance
  • Includes online CCR hosting

Urgent – Upgrade to the 2019 Recordkeeping Package today!

KRWA strongly encourages all Kentucky drinking water utilities to upgrade to the 2019 version of the KRWA Recordkeeping Package. Because of numerous regulatory changes, those utilities using older versions of the Recordkeeping Package are at a higher risk of receiving violations.

The 2019 Recordkeeping Package is now ready for release. Modifications were made to several of the spreadsheets within the package. New or revised features include: revised Stage 2 DBP spreadsheets; a new spreadsheet for sodium results and notification requirements; separation of fluoride results for dental health and for compliance; and numerous links to agencies and organizations for research and document development. The 2019 package also includes information and instructions for e-CCR Delivery, a CCR checklist, a “Good Faith” listing, a Public Notification (PN) certification for those that use the CCR as a Tier 3 Public Notification, and instructions for unregulated contaminants monitoring (UCMR3) and Public Notification requirements.

Please don’t delay! Upgrade to the 2019 Recordkeeping Package today!

How To Order It?

The KRWA Recordkeeping Package is only available to those utilities that participate in the Compliance Check Program or through an annual subscription plan.

  • If a utility chooses to purchase the KRWA Recordkeeping Package separately, the initial annual subscription is $299.
  • KRWA Recordkeeping Package updates are provided to all current subscribers on an annual basis after subscription renewals are received by KRWA.
  • KRWA Recordkeeping Package annual subscription renewals are $199.

To order the 2019 Recordkeeping Package: call 270-843-2291.


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